Hurt in a Car Accident? 5 Tips to Preserve Your Claim

Your first order of business after getting in a serious car accident is prioritizing you and the other parties’ physical health, including moving your car away from busy intersections (if possible) and getting needed medical care. Even if you initially feel fine after a wreck, you should still be assessed by a medical professional; some internal injuries do not become apparent until days or weeks after an accident. At any rate, as long as you are physically able, you should adhere to the following pieces of advice to increase your chances of a fair payout. 

  1. Document, document, document. Take as many photos of the accident as you can, from as many angles as you can. Try to speak with potential witnesses and commit them to make written statements. Be sure to get contact information from these witnesses, as well. In addition to taking photographs of the scene, take pictures of your physical condition and be sure to take pictures of your vehicle and the damage to it as well.  If possible, the photos of your physical injuries should be done by a professional photographer who will use lighting which will greatly improve detailing the extent of your injuries. 
  2. Limit the amount of information you give to the other driver. Get the vital information, such as the other driver’s name, contact information, and insurance company. However, you may want to minimize discussion of anything else, such as who you think is at fault or what preceded the accident. Law enforcement is authorized to make that determination. Refrain from saying “I’m sorry” or “my bad.”
  3. Keep up with your paperwork. This goes for your notes, pictures, and medical bills, among other documentation. After your accident, you must notify both insurance companies. Make sure to document when you notified the company and who you spoke with. You should also get a copy of the police report, if one was completed. 
  4. Get several estimates for car repair. It is common for insurance companies to demand an independent estimate of property damage in any insurance claim. To get a stronger sample size, though, reach out to multiple shops for estimates. This can strengthen your case for a higher compensation amount if your insurance company is trying to send you a lower amount than is acceptable.
  5. Know when you need a lawyer. As friendly and amicable as insurance adjusters may present themselves, they are ultimately not on your side. It is advisable to not speak to an insurance adjustor if they call a day or two later following the accident because they typically ask to record the conversation which will not be beneficial to you.  Additionally, insurance adjusters are trained to ask you questions that compel you to respond in a manner that tends to minimize the nature and extent of your injuries.  If you have spoken to an insurance adjustor and are not getting a fair shake in your negotiations , don’t hesitate to reach out to a personal injury attorney. Often, the mere presence of an attorney can cause the insurance company to reconsider their offer to you. If not, then you should not hesitate to pursue a lawsuit. 


McMahon Law Group would be honored to fight for you against an insurance company that is refusing to give you a payout you feel you deserve. Get in touch with us here through our website or call us at 360-893-2527 to begin your consultation.

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McMahon Law Group

Legal issues of any type can be a frightening and overwhelming experience, and certainly something you don’t want to face alone. Attorney Jacque McMahon and the McMahon Law Group will work closely with you to ensure you not only get the best legal representation possible, but that you are well-informed throughout the process. If you are facing legal issues, please contact us to discuss your situation and get the help you need.

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